
Microsoft NT Gateway

Note: The Name change for the Gateway is not complete. Thus it is still referenced as Cisco Internet Junction and the module as ijgate.exe and the version still 1.2.2


System Requirements

Latest Version

Previous Versions
1.2.1, 1.2, 1.1
NT Gateway Platform

Platform supported: Windows NT Workstation 3.5x , Windows NT server 3.5x

Disk Requirements: 500 Kbytes

Memory Requirements

Gateway Machine (Microsoft NT): 60 Kbytes of RAM plus 4Kbytes of RAM per client

Example: 3 client connected to Gateway: Total memory needed = 72 Kbytes of RAM




Installing TCP/IP for Windows NT

  1. In the Program Manager, open the Contol Panel
  2. In the Contol Panel, double-click on the Network icon: the "Network Settings" dialog will appear.

If TCP/IP is already in the Installed Software list, skip to configuration below

  1. Press the Add Software button: the "Add Network Software" dialog will appear
  2. In the Network Software list, select "TCP/IP and related components," press the Continue button: the "Windows NT TCP/IP Installation Options" dialog will appear
  3. Leave all checkboxes in this dialog unchecked, and press the Continue button: At this point the Network Configuration requires access to your Windows NT installation CD to install the appropriate protocol drivers. After it copies the files, the "Network Settings" dialog will reappear
  4. Press the OK button
The TCP/IP protocol will be initially configured, and the "TCP/IP Configuration" dialog will appear.

Configuring TCP/IP on Windows NT

  1. In the Program Manager, open the Contol Panel
  2. In the Contol Panel, double-click on the Network icon: the "Network Settings" dialog will appear
  3. In the Network Settings dialog, press the Configure button: the "TCP/IP Network Configuration" dialog will appear

  1. Input IP address and default gateway
  2. Select DNS and input Host Name, Domain Name and DNS server addresses
  3. Press the OK button twice
  4. Do restart your computer when prompted to do so
Installing IPX Support for Windows NT
  1. In the Program Manager, open the Contol Panel
  2. In the Contol Panel, double-click on the Network icon: the "Network Settings" dialog will appear. If either Gateway Service for Netware (NT Server) or Client Service for Netware (NT Workstation) and NWLINK IPX/SPX Compatible Protocol are already in the InstalledSoftware list then skip to configuration below.
  3. Press the Add Software button the "Add Network Software" dialog will appear
  4. In the Network Software list, select depending upon whether you are installing IPX on NT workstation or NT Server, either Gateway Service for Netware or Client Service for Netware (NWLINK IPX/SPX automatically gets installed ) and press the Continue button
  5. At this point the Network Configuration requires access to your Windows NT installation CD to install the appropriate protocol drivers. After it copies the files, the "Network Settings" dialog will reappear
  1. Press the OK button
Configuring IPX on Windows NT

  1. In the Program Manager, open the Contol Panel
  2. In the Contol Panel, double-click on the Network icon the "Network Settings" dialog will appear
  3. In the Network Settings dialog, select the "NWLINK IPX/SPX Compatible Protocol" and click on configure
  4. Select a Frame Type
  5. Press the OK button
  6. Do restart your computer when prompted to do so

Installing SAP Agent for Windows NT

  1. In the Program Manager, open the Contol Panel
  2. In the Contol Panel, double-click on the Network icon: the "Network Settings" dialog will appear. If SAP agent is already in the Installed Software list then skip to configuration below.
  3. Press the Add Software button: the "Add Network Software" dialog will appear
  4. In the Network Software list, select SAP Agent and press the Continue button
  5. At this point the Network Configuration requires access to your Windows NT installation CD to install the appropriate protocol drivers. After it copies the files, the "Network Settings" dialog will reappear.
  6. Press the OK button. No Configuration is required for SAP Agent

Frequently Asked Questions


What is NT Service


If a product is installed as a service, then when the machine boots up and the program is started automatically.


Customer installed the product. Some time later, restarted NT, logged on. Customer can see the IPeXchange installed as service, but neither the Internet Junction program started automatically nor the customer can invoke the program manually.


During first installation, the customer probably logged on as Administrator and second time he logged on as a user. A user does not have authority to start programs. Make sure the customer logs on as Administrator, start the service, and then he or she can log on under a different user id.


Customer is unable to install or configure TCPIP


Do the following steps:

Problem: (Most common)

When the machine boots up, IPeXchange does not start rather screen disappears or gives the following message:

Main:CRInit Failed. or/and Gateway not found: or/and Internet Junction Terminating.

These error message are reported because the hostname of the NT machine (gateway machine or machine you are installing IJ software) is not being resolved. This happens for example when you configure the hostname of the NT machine, but do not have a DNS entry or an LMHOSTS entry for that name. You can confirm this by opening a DOS box and try to ping to the host name (for e.g. ping NT host where NT host is the hostname of you machine)

This will fail if the hostname cannot be resolved.

Following are the steps to fix this problem:

  1. Go to Contol Panel Network On top left side, you will see Computer Name. Let us call this value (V1). Note down this name. If the name contains any spaces, please change the name. No spaces allowed.
  2. Go to Contol panel Network TCP/IP (installed software window) Configure Note down the TCP/IP address . Let us call this value (V2).
  3. Go to Contol Panel - Network TCP/IP Configure - DNS

    On top left, you will the Host Name. Let us call this value (V3). Make sure that V1 and V3 are identical. It is case sensitive also.

  4. Now open a DOS window , and create a directory called etc of the root ie: mkdir c:\etc.
  5. Create a file called lmhosts in c:\etc directory. This file should have minimum one entry: TCP/IP address (V2) Name (V1/V3) and save the file.

    Example: ijgate

  6. Close the DOS window and go back to Contol Panel Network - TCP/IP ConfigureAdvanced. Select Import lmhosts. It will pop up a new window to provide path for lmhosts file.

    Input the path ie c:\etc (Do not enter the filename: ie: c:\etc\lmhosts).

    Click OK at all places. If you changed the Computer Name (V1)than reboot the machine, otherwise just restart the Internet Junction program.


When I boot my NT machine, the Internet Junction Gateway does not come up. What should I do ? Any troubleshooting tips.

  1. Note down any error message on the screen.
  2. Invoke Event Viewer within the Administrative Tools program group.

Some common error messages and their solution are as below:

Error Message 1:

The cisco Internet Junction service depends on the following nonexistent service:



Go to Contol Panel - Network and check if SAP Agent is listed in the Installed Network Software. Most probably the SAP Agent is not installed. Internet Junction Gateway requires this component. Install the software by selecting SAP Agent from Add Network Software menu.

Contol Panel Network -Add Software Select SAP Agent .

Error Message 2:

The Microsoft Client Service for Netware could not start because it did not bind to any transports.
The NWLink IPX/SPX Compatible Transport Protocol service failed to start due to the following error: The parameter is incorrect.
The value for the Nwlnkipx parameter Export was illegal


Reinstall Client Service for Netware (Microsoft NT Workstation 3.5x) or Gateway Service for Netware (Microsoft NT Server 3.5x)


The Cisco Internet Junction service depends on the following nonexistent service: NWCWorkstation.


Install Client Service for Netware on Microsoft NT Workstation 3.5x or Gateway Service for Netware on Microsoft NT Server.

Contol Panel Network - Add Network Software


If I do not have an external router, can I use RAS to dial out to my Internet Service Provider ?


Absolutely, This way you would require only 1 IP address and in most cases,this address is provided by your Internet Service Provider.


How would I configure RAS ?


Go to Contol Panel - Network -- Add software - Remote Access Service. The detail information can be found in Microsoft manuals.


Is "dial-up on demand" available on NT ?


No, currently Windows NT provides static dial-up access. Dial-up on demand is not available yet on NT. This functionality by Microsoft is expected soon.


Copyright © Cisco Systems Inc. 1996